1th November


I briefly researched about Mary jane candy that Pecola gets at the store. The interesting thing was that it is still selling and i can buy it!

This small peanut butter candy is originally made in 1914, which is quite long times ago, even much before the time background of The bluest eyes. And if we go to it’s own web site, we can see the history of it. In 1942, the factory of this small candy was changed to army factory to support the U.S for WWII. So we can understand of the time background behind of the WWII.

Additionally, i think by referring this small peanut butter candy, the author tried to represent the childish symbol of Pecola like how she is young and pure.

It doesn’t have not much story developed yet with her childishness against the opposite figures, but i think those kinds of figures, which is emphasized with her childish fugures, against will come out more as story goes on.

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